Krylbo Elektra enters partnership with SPM
Industrial services company Krylbo Elektra is seeing an increased need for condition monitoring of its customers’ low RPM equipment and has now cho...
SPM Instrument launches Intellinova Compact online system for Ex environments
SPM Instrument, Sweden, leading worldwide provider of condition monitoring technology and products, now announces the introduction of Intellinova®...
SPM to supply online condition monitoring for Linköping’s new CHP power station
Public utility company Tekniska verken in Linköping in southern Sweden has appointed SPM as supplier of condition monitoring equipment for the new...
SPM in cooperation with Teekay LNG Partners
To reduce operational expenditure costs and keep dry dock budgets down, Teekay LNG Partners (TPG) in Glasgow, Scotland, implements a condition-base...
Season's greetings from SPM
As the holiday season approaches, SPM would like to thank all of our customers and friends for your continued partnership.
Mining company Boliden Renström to monitor process-critical fans online
Swedish mining company Boliden now moves on to introduce online condition monitoring equipment from SPM on two major exhaust fans manufactured by A...
Case study: Jaw crusher bearing monitoring with SPM HD
Mining operations include a number of critical applications that may cause severe disruptions in the production process in case of malfunctions. On...
SPM to deliver online condition monitoring to sawmill Södra Wood Mönsterås
One of Sweden's largest sawmills, Södra Wood Mönsterås, has placed an order for Intellinova Compact to monitor the condition of electric motors and...
Södra Cell Mörrum streamlines condition monitoring with Leonova Diamond
The portable instrument Leonova Diamond recently made inroads at the Södra Cell Värö pulp mill north of Varberg on the Swedish west coast. Another...
Mälarenergi to invest in portable instruments for condition monitoring
The city of Västerås in central Sweden houses the country's largest cogeneration plant, owned and operated by public utility company Mälarenergi th...